Cambrian Environmental Technologies
Our main focus is contaminated water remediation for a positive impact on the environment.
Who We Are
Cambrian Environmental Technology is a scientific collaboration between two successful Welsh companies who are driven by a shared passion for geoscience and the environment.
The team like nothing better than a geoscience challenge presented that is yet to be solved, and even if it has been “solved” they beg to differ and strive to develop a better solution.
Given that global warming presents the largest and most significant current scientific challenge presented to this and future generations, and one which still requires effective solutions then this provides an almost infinite source of motivation for the team.

Why We Do What We Do
Members of CET have completed a significant amount of research in the mining sector related to the sustainable development of mines and have been seeking opportunities to implement the concept of the circular economy as part of mining projects.
The establishment of the company occurred as a result of the two Directors Steven Pearce and Mike Battersby wanting to have freedom to complete scientific research into the concepts of sustainable mining and legacy mines.
The legacy of mining globally has in many cases been negative both for the environment and from the perspective of socio economic impacts on communities. The concept of the circular economy seems still a distant goal for the industry at large.
Modular Water Treatment offers a significant opportunity in this regard as a positive environmental and economic "purpose".